Viva La Vino
visiting Murcia bodegas for wine tasting and more… Continue reading Viva La Vino
visiting Murcia bodegas for wine tasting and more… Continue reading Viva La Vino
In order to assist British nationals regarding Brexit the Spanish government have developed a new section covering a range of topics. These include: Education Healthcare Registration Visit View the site regularly for any updates in the run up to our departure on 29th March, or indeed if a extension is granted by EU. Continue reading Spanish government advice on EU exit
travelling to spain after brexit Continue reading Rules for travel to Europe after brexit
The currency in Spain is the Euro. When or if you are considering changing £ sterling to € euros seek out the official money exchange offices or the choice of banks located across Spain in towns and numerous locations. A number of currencies specialists here in the UK has grown and can offer good rates for holiday money and regular payments to fund your Spanish bank account to pay bills, local taxes and maintenance for any property you may own. Properties Overseas can give you personal introductions to the above currency specialists, please contact us. Looking to buy … Continue reading Money